Healthy Mouth Tips

If you are welcoming a baby into this world, congratulations. You are probably very excited, but you are also probably quite worried about whether or not it is safe for you to go to the dentist. First, we want to say we are happy to hear that you have even thought about the dentist, especially since you have a bunch of things going on right now. On top of your appointments, decorating your baby’s new place, and time away from work, you are probably trying to figure out what needs to be handled before the baby comes. You do not want to let your dental appointments fly under the radar because tooth decay and gum disease can quickly take over and leave you in pain.

To answer your pressing question, yes, a dental checkup during your pregnancy is SAFE and it is actually recommended that you have one performed. This is an essential step in your pregnancy care. You will be able to receive any procedures you need done, have cavities filled, and checkups performed all before the baby arrives. At C S Family Dental, we are prepared to see you in our office.

Did you know that the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Dental Association all say that women who are pregnant should receive dental care.

Below, Dr. Sohn wants you to know what to look out for and the symptoms you should keep an eye on, especially as you go through your different trimesters.

Dental Concerns During Pregnancy

pregnant2Many women are afraid to visit the dentist because they are unsure of what to expect and they may be worried about some of the conditions that have developed. All of these conditions are normal and Dr. Sohn is here to help you.

1. Pregnancy Gingivitis
Gingivitis is common in pregnancy and you will likely be no stranger to it. The reason it develops in your mouth is because you deliver all of your vitamins and nutrients to your fetus. If you do not replace these depleted nutrients and vitamins, your teeth and gums will suffer and you will notice that your gums become sensitive and they may bleed.

2. Pregnancy Tumors
Tumors in your mouth during pregnancy are common and yes, they may scare you at first. Luckily, these tumors have nothing to do with cancer, so you can take a deep breath. These tumors will appear on your gums and usually do not develop until you are in your second trimester. You will notice that these tumors can become quite large in size and they will bleed easily and can be quite painful.

3. Tooth Decay
Dr. Sohn wants you to know that you can count on him and the team at C S Family Dental for all of your pregnancy oral health care needs. If you develop any problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay, we are here to help you and provide you with the care you need. Tooth decay is often more prevalent for the same reason gum disease is and that is because you are lacking the vitamins and nutrients you need. If you do not replace them, you will find that a cavity may pop up.

You should ALWAYS brush and floss your teeth twice per day to ensure you prevent any oral health problems.

Can I Receive X-Rays While Pregnant?

Yes. X-rays have been deemed safe during your pregnancy and you may need to have them performed as a preventative measure and in any emergency situations. At C S Family Dental, we will fit you with a lead apron to help prevent exposure of radiation to the baby.

Can I Receive a Local Anesthetic While Pregnant?

Yes. At C S Family Dental, we take your health and safety and the safety of your baby seriously and would never perform a procedure or deliver medication we thought to be unsafe to either of you. Local anesthetics have been said to be safe during pregnancy, but BEFORE you take any medications, you want to talk it over with Dr. Sohn and your primary care physician first.

Will My Denver Dentist Provide with Me with Safe Medications?

Yes. We will never prescribe you a medication that we do not think is okay for you to use. We take your health seriously and will do everything we can to work with you and your primary care physician to make sure you receive the best care. If you currently take any medications, you should let us know right away, so that we can tailor a care plan for you.

When Should I Tell You That I Am Pregnant?

You should let us know that you are pregnant the moment you know. If you are unsure if you are pregnant, but you think that there may be a chance you are, please let us know and inform us of this. You should also inform us of how far along you are, if you know. If you are considered to be a high-risk pregnancy, we need to know this information too because you may not be able to receive some of the procedures that need to be performed.

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Sohn Now

If you are in need of dental care or you would like to discuss your oral health while pregnant, Dr. Sohn is ready to sit down with you and go over your care needs. While dental visits are safe during your pregnancy, there may be some procedures you cannot have and we will let you know if that is the case.

If you would like to have a FREE consultation with Dr. Sohn, contact C S Family Dental today.