Do You Have Missing Teeth? Here’s What You CAN Do

If you are missing teeth, you may be embarrassed, and you may find yourself avoiding social events or smiling around your family and friends. This is no way to live your life and you may feel as though you are all alone, but the truth is, you are not. In fact, the...

What Exactly Are Dental Implants?

What exactly are dental implants? This may be a question on your mind and if you are wondering, we will tell you. Dental implants are a tooth replacement option and they include an artificial tooth root that is made from titanium and placed surgically into your...

Dental Cleaning? Here’s What It Can Do for You

When patients hear that it is recommended, they receive a dental cleaning every six months, they are often taken by surprise. We often hear that the patient thought that they only needed to have their teeth cleaned when their teeth feel dirty or once a year. The...